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Research Projects

Basesoft is and has been active in several national and international R&D projects. Research rojects are carried out in co-operation with other private and public companies, research institutions and universities. In some projects Basesoft also acts as project leader or main contractor.

Below you will find some example projects. More projects and information will soon be added!

The purpose of the project has been to develop an executable model to establish a common view on security for IT-supported enterprise. The model is based on a jointly defined concept - AditRingen.

The AditRingen concept is illustrated by several cooperating results:

  • CA (Certification Authority) - an example of a ReferenceOrganisation (RO) that issues certificates and identification credentials.
  • intExeq - a conecpt for role- and rule based integrity machinery.
  • SNM (Secure Network Management) - an assimilation of the AditRingen concept, a tool for secure management of IT-resources in networks.
  • Security library - basic mechanisms for key management, encryption etc.

intExeq is a total concept for IT-security. On the market already existing products for IT-security have their natural place in the intExeq products.

intExeq makes it possible to add security to already existing IT-environments. intExeq includes functionality both for secrecy and integrity, thus not being restricted to be useful in environments with classified information.

intExeq is a role- and rulebased mandate collation system. In the daily life every individual represents different roles at different times. Investigator, manager, company representative, family member are some examples of roles that an individual may have. Every such role means different privileges and responsibilities for different areas. In some case, external circumstances, actual place of work, time of day, govern the rights to act in a specific role. To see that such requirements are fulfilled, we use the word rule based.

Another base for the concept of rule based is that having a role, does not in itself mean any privileges or authority. In intExeq the meaning, or definition of the role, must also first be done. This means that a mandate description describing the authority (privileges, mandate) to use specific IT-resources, required to fulfill the tasks of a specific role is defined. This is also rule based.

In summary, roles and mandate are defined as rules. At all times when an individual acting in a specific role, asks for IT-resources (files, database objects etc) the current circumstances (time of day, role, location etc) is checked (collated) to the current mandate description.

[Swedish only] Projektet SamAdit, Samhällsservice för Aktiv demokrati med informationstrygghet, syftar till att studera hur efterlevnaden av gällande lagstiftning inom informationsområdet påverkas av IT-stöttning. Studier har genomförts av hur IT-miljön, utifrån eventuella beskrivningar av verksamheten samt dess bedrivande, i positiv riktning kan påverka efterlevnaden av lagstiftning. Arbetet inkluderar även analys av vilka redskap som behövs för detta ändamål.

SLIM - Secure Legal Information Management
The major concern of the SLIM Project is to show how advantage may be derived from regulatory management in the field of law for the purpose of improving general document management applications where it is important to handle version-dependent text entities over time. This applies particularly to an organisation´s management of documents expressing policies and authorisations of different kinds. A second point to be made is that a combination of XML and digital security-enhancing techniques appears to be
a worthwhile course to follow in terms of a basic syste mdevelopment approach of importance, for instance, in relation to various e-business activities. More precisely, we are not talking merely about how to authenticate sender, receiver and content of a message, but about an infrastructure aimed at integrated version awareness throughout whole networks of texts units rather than the life circle of a particular static document. [More]

Related to SLIM is the non-commercial open network LISA - (Legal Information Standards Action Network), with the homepage www.lisan.org. Please also note the upcoming conference on Proactive Law, “Fusing Best Business Practices with Legal Information Management and Technology” 12-14 june 2005 in Stockholm, more in www.juridicum.su.se/proactivelaw.


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