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Quality Policy (ISO 9001:2001)

Environmental Policy (ISO 14001)

Security Policy (ISO/IEC 17779)

Basesoft Process Management Systems Reference [Basesoft staff access only]

Image - Baseoft Quality Offices View - Stockholm

Quality Policy - ISO 9001:2000
Basesoft is a software product development and a consultancy services company in the area of Information and Communications Technology (IT).

We are committed to deliver products and services that match our customer expectations on quality. Our enterprise shall be moulded in such a way that our customers value us as a long-term and strategic partner acting with accordingly high integrity.

Basesoft aims to continually improve its products and services by maintaining and improving customer-centric, cost-effective, timely and qualitative processes. Basesoft is committed to comply with ISO 9001:2000 requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.

Image - Environment Policy View - Honeysuckle

Environmental Policy - ISO 14001
Basesoft is a software product development and a consultancy services company in the area of Information and Communications Technology (IT).

Our work will aim for an endurable enterprise with respect to our natural environment. We will minimize and prevent the possible negative environmental impacts from our development and services provisioning, by minimizing energy consumption, use of resources and our waste in our daily work and transportation.

As a starting point in our environmental work we are using the legal requirements, which concerns our work.

Basesoft will develop and improve the way to work both when it comes to our own direct environmental impact as well as our indirect environmental impact through our suppliers.

Basesoft is committed to comply with ISO 14001 requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System.

Image - Security Policy View - Skallen

Security Policy - ISO 27002 (was ISO/IEC 17779)
Basesoft is a software product development and a consultancy services company in the area of Information and Communications Technology (IT).

Basesoft will provide services and products with high integrity. This requires that we actively work with security and risk management with the purpose of

  • Supplying a secure work, production and co-operation environment for our staff, partners and customers
  • Protecting material and immaterial values

Basesoft is committed to protect its owners and customer properties and information according to legal requirements and specific customer requirements. The purpose of the Security Policy is also to fulfil such requirements.

The Security Policy is valid for all of Basesoft enterprise, including its sub-contractors. All employees and sub-contractors are responsible for being acquainted with and contribute to the observance of the Security Policy as well as Basesoft Security Rules and Instructions.

The aim and direction of the security work is on preventing risks and damage by cost-effective security solutions in the areas of IT-security, physical and environmental security, personnel security, administrative security and business continuity management. The security work is moulded according to the ISO/IEC 17770, “Code of
Practice for information security management”, standard. See also the figure below.

ISO/IEC 17779 Image

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