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Basesoft Process Management Systems Reference [Basesoft staff access only]

Management and Policy Information

Basesoft uses a process approach for Quality Management, not only because ISO has made it mandatory, but also because it is a sensible management strategy. Basesoft has implemented management systems for Quality Management (ISO 9001:2000 including ISO/IEC 15288 - System Life Cycle Processes), Environmental Management (SS-EN ISO14001:1996) and Information Security Management (SS-ISO/IEC 17799, SS 627799-2).

The starting point for all this is our policies - Quality Policy, Security Policy, and Environmental Policy.

Basesoft has a documented and implemented a quality management system that satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. The quality system is documented in a quality manual and its referenced documents. Effectiveness of the quality system is regularly audited, reviewed and documented.

Contact Information
If your are interested in further information in any areas or discussing any topics you are very welcome to contact us by any of the following means. Our visiting information is found here.

E-mail: info@basesoft.se (general information, but no "spam")
Telephone: +46-8-131720

Surface Mail and Delivery Information
PostNord (previous "Swedish Post Office") has moved away our Post Office Box to a distant location ("Stadshagen") so it will stop working at 2017-MAR-31. Please only use the below address.

Surface Mail:
Basesoft Open Systems AB
Fyrvekarbacken 21 3tr
SE-112 60  Stockholm, Sweden.

Stockholm by Winter View Image

Unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE) or "SPAM"
Unfortunately we get a lot of what is commonly called "SPAM". We have an "opt-in" policy that comply to the "Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003" (see below).

If you get an Error message from your mail program i.e. - "We don't accept mail from spammers", this means that you, or your ISP unfortunately is on our blacklist. This is due to that your address or mail-relay was previously used to send UCE (e.g "spam") to us. If so, try using another ISP or contact us by phone or surface mail (as above).

You may also get en error/rejection message with reference to some other organisation. In such case you may proceed as above. To get off the latter lists, you have to contact the list owner or follow other directives supplied in the error message.

Directive on privacy and electronic communications (2003)
DIRECTIVE 2002/58/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications). Check out the paragraph (40)-(43). [More]

This directive requires that unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE) to individual subscribers is subject to a prior consent requirement, so that it may only be sent if the recipient has agreed in advance. There is however an exception to this rule in the context of an existing customer relationship, where companies may continue to market their own similar products and services on an “opt-out” basis.


Copyright © 1998-2025 Basesoft Open Systems AB, SWEDEN