Basesoft - Services
services offering include general Consultancy Services, Customer Specific Development Services as well as Support and Maintenance services. For reading more about Basesoft products, goto the Products area.
Basesoft customers also have the possibility to access some of Basesoft services on-line.

Consultancy Services
Basesoft is offering a wide-range of general consultancy services including strategies definition, requirements specification and verification of IT-infrastructure solutions, IT-architecture, IT-security, Quality Assurance and Project Management.
Basesoft supplies competence to the Swedish Dataföreningen cource on Certified IT Architect (Swedish: Certifierad IT-arkitekt - [more Information in Swedish]).
Customer Development Services
Basesoft is offering development of customer specific solutions. The solutions may range from deploying general purpose products (including open source software) or full infrastructure solutions fullfilling customer specific requirements to developing special purpose customer software. We can offer support for the full solutions/software product life-cycle, according to well proved management and development standards.
Support and Maintenance Services
Basesoft is offering support and maintenance services for Basesoft general purpose products (such as EasyDB), customer solutions (such as GTP [more (in Swedish)], DSI, SECOE, DRM) as well as general-purpose products from other major vendors in line with our expertise and partnerships.
Basesoft is active in the area of Open Source Technology, e.g. by building, testing, using and supporting Open Source products. Examples of Open Source products that we have experience in can be found here.
On-line Service Areas
Some of Basesoft services are available on-line. To protect the integrity of those areas, they are accessed by the SSL/TLS protocol.
To get started you need to do the following three initial steps. Please read all of them before you get started!
1. Install a Web Browser that supports SSL/TLS and high-grade encryption (i.e. AES255). This is supported in e.g. Firefox, but not by all Microsoft Internet Explorers (due to the OS features) nor Opera. If your Browser does not support this, your access may be restricted. More details about this is found in the secure areas starting page (2.) below.
2. Connect to the secured areas starting page. NOTE that when you get the security warning about accepting the certificate of you should ONLY accept it TEMPORARILY for this session (this will go away next time when you have done step 3). [Connect to secured areas]
3. Install the Basesoft Root CA certificate (the URI for this is found in the upper left side of the secure (ssl) index page. Please FIRST read the (ssl) index and howto pages if you are unfamiliar to SSL security.